Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February is here! It's time to mark your calendars for the February Music City MQG meeting. We will meet at 10am on February 21 at the usual place. Please find directions under the tab above marked Meetings.

Stefanie Williams will lead a workshop on English Paper Piecing. She has prepared two cute hexagon projects and will give us the lowdown on how to complete them. This will be my first time doing EPP and I'm so excited. If you are not interested in or cannot stay for the workshop, just come for the meeting and bring your show and tell. I can't manage to embed the image for the supply list, so please leave a comment here if you need it.

The Knoxville MQG recently experienced the passing of a member, and in her honor they are calling for 12" wonky star blocks in a certain color palette of solids. The Music City MQG plans to send some.  If you'd like to help us with this project, the easy tutorial can be found here at their blog, and our blocks will be collected at the February meeting. 

Hope to see you there!  Contact us with any questions or comments.

1 comment:

Mels said...

Ah! I'm dying to learn how to do this!! And I haven't been able to come to a meeting and meet you all and see if I'm MCQG material--hahaha. Please send me a materials list because I totally just put it on my calendar.

Melinda (@melsischamp)