Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 2012 Meeting Details

It's a lucky day to be a Modern Quilter...

Saturday, March 17
10 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church - Franklin
Barr Conference Room*
101 Legends Club Lane 
(near the intersection of Franklin Road & Mack Hatcher Parkway)

We will begin with a brief business meeting that will include a presentation of options for our service project. That will be followed by a potluck luncheon and a Sit & Sew. Members and guests are invited to stay and sew on projects of their choosing until 3:30. It should be a fun day! Won't you join us?

Things to consider:
  • If you are participating in the potluck, you are encouraged to incorporate a little green into your dish. If the dish itself isn't green, consider a green garnish or serve it on a green platter or in a green bowl. It is St. Patrick's Day, after all!
  • If you are staying for the Sit & Sew, please bring your own extension cord (12' cord should be sufficient).

If you plan to join us, please be a dear and complete the form below. Be sure to click SUMBIT at the bottom of the form so your responses are recorded. Looking forward to seeing everyone!