
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Proposed ByLaw changes

Proposed By-Law Changes
June 2018

Currently Reads:

3.6 Election of Directors
A person who meets any qualification requirements to be a Director and who has been duly nominated bay be elected as a Director.  Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of those Directors at a Board meeting at which a quorum is present. Each Director shall hold office until a successor is elected and qualified. A Director may be elected to succeed himself or herself as Director.

Proposed Change:

3.6 Election of Directors
A person who meets any qualification requirements to be a Director and who has been duly nominated bay be elected as a Director.  Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of guild members at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  Each Director shall hold office until a successor is elected and qualified. A Director may be elected to succeed himself or herself as Director.

Currently Reads:

3.10 Resignation
Any director may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Secretary or President of the Board of Directors. Such resignation shall take effect upon receipt or, if later, at the time specified in the notice.

Proposed Change:

3.10 Resignation
Any director may resign at any time by delivering notice to the Secretary or President of the Board of Directors. Such resignation shall take effect upon receipt or, if later, at the time specified in the notice.

Currently Reads:

7.4 Term of Office; Removal; Filling of Vacancies
Officers shall hold a 1 year term.

Proposed Change:

7.4 Term of Office; Removal; Filling of Vacancies
Officers shall hold a 2-year term, for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms.  Officers will be elected on a rotating basis with President and Secretary being elected the same year; and Treasurer and Vice President being elected the following year.  Thus avoiding all 4 offices being filled in the same calendar year. Nothing will prevent a former officer for running for another office or running for the same office after a 2-year period.

Currently Reads:

9.2 Disbursement of Funds
Management may dispense with the funds of the Guild in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors and the purposes of the Guild as set out in the Certificate of Formation and these bylaws.  Financial transactions with the value of $50.00 or more that are not in the annual budget require majority approval of the Board of Directors, or Executive Committee if a majority of the Board of Directors is not immediately available to vote on the transaction.  Notwithstanding the above, all cheeks of more than $100.00 disbursing funds from any of the Guild’s accounts require the signatures of at least two of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or key management personnel.

Proposed Change:

9.2 Disbursement of Funds
Management may dispense with the funds of the Guild in accordance with the annual budget approved by the Board of Directors and the purposes of the Guild as set out in the Certificate of Formation and these bylaws.  Financial transactions with the value of $50.00 or more that are not in the annual budget require majority approval of the Board of Directors, or Executive Committee if a majority of the Board of Directors is not immediately available to vote on the transaction.  Notwithstanding the above, all cheeks of more than $100.00 disbursing funds from any of the Guild’s accounts require approval via E-mail of at least two of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or key management personnel.

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